Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Weekly Workout

The Weekly Workout works like this, I post a work out. You guys give it a shot. As the weeks progress so do the workouts. If at anytime it starts to get too hard, feel free to go back to a previous week. Or if you don't feel like doing the same workout every day for a week, feel free to recycle in some workouts from previous weeks.

This week's workout is a request. I touched on my Progessive Low-Impact Water Aerobics program in the title post of that section, and it seemed to spark an interest in a few of the followers, so I'll start posting those workouts in The Weekly Workout section. Please remember this is a progressive program. It may start off difficult, begin to feel easy and possibly too easy, but remember to execute the exercises precisely and if you feel you're not having a high enough caloric burn, increase your speed while maintaining proper execution.

Phase: 1 Day:1 - AEROBIC BASE

200 yds Flutter Kick w/ Kick Board

100 yds Jog (arms in water, loose fists)
50 yds Grapevine
100 yds Heels Up to Your Butt
(keep your arms pinned at your side and handson your butt, palms out to kick your palms. do NOT lift your knees up, keep them pointing down all the time.)
50 yds Grapevine
100 yds Knees Up High
(keep your upper arms pinned at your side and place your hands out in front of your body, palms facing down. make sure to keep your hands at no lower than waist height and parallel to the ground. raise your knee up to your palms and touch them before returning your foot to the ground.)
50 yds Grapevine
100 yds Cross-Country Ski
(You will look like you're using a Nordic Track as you move down the pool.)
50 yds Grapevine
100 yds Reverse Jog - Just Jog backwards

That's it for your first day of the program. Depending on requests, next week may be another water aerobics workout or it might be a swim workout. It all depends on you readers...

Have fun and Fast Swims


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